Origin story
We are wealthy in our ivory towers, each their own home, and their own internet. We live so long through our medicine that we’ve been estranged from the nature of death. We specialise so strongly that none of us understand the interconnectedness of life anymore. We start in debt, and only if we’re lucky in life, we’re allowed to complete a hard education to do a much simpler job for a very long time to work away that debt. Many of us need alcohol to numb us from the despair of going nowhere, and we close our eyes to the horrors of the world we leave to our children. We are not happy. We are unfree. We are overwhelmed. We are emotionally stunted. We have lost our spark.
Of course, this is a generalisation. Some of us find true happiness in modern day society and blessed be they for their luck, because it is rare.
We have a set of values inherited from a religion most of us don’t follow anymore. We never question these values, because philosophy is regarded as valueless for its inefficiency. And that’s our new religion: efficiency. We’re all just cogs in a great machine called society that doesn’t serve us, but itself. Nations once were created for safety, now they prescribe where we may set foot and who owns what. No land is left to be claimed, even if it is unused. Children are lucky if they have two semi healthy adults to learn from, but mostly educate themselves online and through peers. The school system isn’t adapted to help the individual, but instead it exists to uphold the societal system and because of that, the right for schooling has changed into tortuous duty. Our world is dying and we seem to be unable to stop ourselves from ravaging it further. This is what humanity apparently has become.
And yet… We harbour great inventions, fantastic stories, and beautiful displays of humanity. Sparks of hope light up, not because of the system, but in spite of it…
We at Academia Intrinseci seek to underline the beautiful parts of the nature of humanity, while learning from its horrid ways. We seek to start anew, because we do not wish to tear down. We do believe that the current form of society has come into the beginning of its end like so many empires of old, but we do not believe there’s a need to have it go down burning. Instead we seek to create new places of wonder, living off of the old ways like so many flowers in fertile ground. Like any organism, we must respect that which we are born from, because it is what nurtures us into bloom.
In less poetic words, this means that we need to thankfully make use of all the inventions and infrastructure that modern society has granted us. What we wish to do is to create a new way of living where the inner desire for freedom and joy of humans is not repressed, but instead turned into a healthy responsibility. We seek to change humanity from earth’s parasites into earth’s caretakers. And if ever we advance beyond our current realms, the caretakers of those surroundings as well.
We believe that such a way has natural appeal to such an extent that we’ll naturally reform society. However we do realise that before that appeal takes hold, it needs to be properly understood. And understanding takes teaching and learning, which is why we are an Academia to our school of thought: the Method of Intrinsecus.
If these words resonate with you, we need you. Welcome to our minds and hearts.
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