Practical vision

Coming to our site, a newly welcomed visitor might be understandably confused as to what we seek to accomplish. Do we wish to be an online Academia or do we wish to form communities to live in? Do we wish to be a foundation or do we wish to be a profitable company? Do we wish to work within current society or do we wish to seclude ourselves to create a new one? The possibly no less confusing answer is: all of the above. In this text, an attempt at explaining the how of it all is made.


As is explained in the origin story, we worry greatly about the state of humanity. We believe that the majority of the current thought structures upon which we grew our peoples, nations, and religions, are now stifling and corrupting us, because, among other things, they’re formed on growth through acquisition and upon survival. We believe that these old thought structures require an enemy or a prey, and as such they will inevitably be destructive. Depending upon the exact nature of the thought structure, it will be repressive, destructive, stifling, or degrading towards itself, towards other humans, towards nature, or a combination of these. To combat this problem, we seek to form new thought structures by means of our Method of Intrinsecus, that will fully take into account the absolute dominance we humans now have over our planet and the unity we experience through our infrastructure, the internet being first and foremost among these. We seek to inspire people to teach themselves that our world and our fellow humans are in essence one symbiotic whole and that any predatory, xenophobic, tyranical, or self-deprecating behaviour will actually harm the whole of us. For this, we need a philosophical academy where people can learn to think in different ways and have this Academia spread its theories. Whereas academies of old in Ancient Greece and elsewhere have traditionally been physical locations, the current world no longer has express need of such. We see ample opportunity to form the Academia online, now on the internet and in the near future within metaverses.

As the goal of Academia Intrinseci is most definitely keyed towards furthering the good of mankind, we feel that we can surely found a Public Benefit foundation, so that enthusiasts may donate towards our goals tax free. The funds donated to this foundation will be allocated towards furthering the online iterations of our Academia, but also towards building the physical communities that integrate the Academia’s theories into practice. Foundations, however, have strict statutes which prescribe how funds may be allocated. As such statutes are effectively dogma, and we seek to avoid dogma, our foundations will always be of a temporary nature, and new foundations will be formed with new statutes when over the years or decades the insights of the Academia evolve us towards new practical goals. Academia Intrinseci itself will therefore be a company, as companies are very much free to change their minds.

From the online community that the Academia will form, will rise enthusiasts who truly have the vision, trust, and courage to form a physical community, where we can form a living around our principles. These communities will be companies also, most likely with attached holding structures. Inside our community, we will take care of our members, who are at once shared owner and employee of the community companies, without having to deal with the heavy taxation of transferring funds to persons. 

Those who do not live within the communities are visitors, and depending on what they seek to do they can be guests, clients, volunteers, hired help, or temporary employees. These people are our main form of interaction with the outside society. They can give or follow workshops with us, attend or organise festivals or other events, attend or organise retreats, come for a healing retreat to recover from the struggles of their life, follow internships, or simply live and work with us for a while. This, alongside actual production of goods on community grounds, will provide us with the income we require to continue our existence and eventually seed new communities. Of course, we will seek to interact with the surrounding locale and its people and infrastructure to mutual benefit.

Altogether, we seek to peacefully expand within existing society by being a profitable enterprise as well as being an enticing alternative to said society. We seek to inspire, to learn, to grow, to help, and to unify. As we accept no dogmata, we open our arms to everyone who doesn’t follow an extreme dogma. We will naturally grow, and hopefully we wil grow so large as to properly influence humanity to maturity and responsibility.